Sunday, September 9, 2012

Documentary Companion for Berger Article

To go along with John Berge's Ways of Seeing: Image and Gender essay, you may want to consider showing the short documentary Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women (1999). The documentary is free and you can access it from this link:

In addition to Berger's essay and the documentary, I plan on bringing to class the newest edition of Vogue for group discussion. Between these three resources, we will be looking at gender in image from the 1970's, 1990's and now--this will provide a measure of time for the students to discuss and add depth to the synthesis exercise students will do for homework. Additionally, I am considering asking students to bring in advertisements of their own--possibly challenging them to find ads that objectify men the way we see typical of women, or perhaps ads where we find only positive connotations.

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